My name is Samwise and this story is about me. Yep, Marcy is me. All of the dudes in her head are the dudes in my head. We changed some of the names, but not most of
them. Even so, if some details change Ouroboros is still true to our experience, which is the most important part of this project. We want it to be relatable to other people with DID
(DissociativeIdentity Disorder), and we want it to be informative for people who don’t.
Ouroboros is a first draft. I am writing and illustrating by the seat of my pants, so you are experincing Ouroboros in its rawest, truest form. Straight out of my head onto your
screen. If you've already devoured the chapters I have available here, you can hop on over to our
Patreon Page and read the chapters we have waiting to be illustrated (for a small subscription fee, its less than Netflix, you'll be fine).